Wednesday, August 2, 2017

McCain’s Death Bed Secret Just Came Out About Who He Killed After Skeleton Suddenly Resurfaces - Fusion Laced Illusions

Senator John McCain is a traitor and an enemy of the American people. Over the past few weeks disturbing information has emerged about his direct ties to Muslim terrorists and the London Bomber, and how he’s basically owned by George Soros and the Saudi terrorists. Then last week, McCain successfully fulfilled his role as a America’s most infamous traitor, officially killing the Obamacare repeal. But nauseatingly, as McCain continues to garner the sympathy for his recent brain cancer diagnosis while many idiotic Americans hail him a “hero” for his military “service” in Vietnam, a disgusting skeleton has just come crawling out of McCain’s closet, proving what a shame this man truly is to our country.
John McCain graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1958 where he became commissioned as second lieutenant naval aviator. His navy career was disastrous from beginning, where he crashed 2 navy jets and was involved with other nearly-fatal mishaps shortly after graduation. But because his father an grandfather were both four-star admirals, McCain got preferential treatment, and able to continue to serve despite being a horrible pilot. But tragically, McCain’s cocky actions as a young pilot while aboard the USS Forrestal Aircraft Carrier on July 31 1967 would go on to kill 133 sailors, in a horrifying incident where his involvement was scrubbed from the Navy’s official records.
According to eye witnesses that day, whose accounts were predictably buried by the Navy due to John McCain’s familial ties to two 4-star generals, McCain decided to be a show off, by doing a “wet start” of his jet. This reckless maneuver makes fuel build up in the engine before the plane is started. The result is a flame erupting from the tail of the plane, that’s accompanied by a startling amount of noise. After McCain started his engine in this manner, the electrical surge of this maneuver subsequently caused the accidental launching of a powerful Zuni rocket across the carrier’s deck, that hit two other parked planes that were packing 1,000-pound highly-explosive bombs.
The fire then caused a chain reaction of bombs to detonate, causing explosions that went several decks below. The ensuing explosions nearly sank the 82,000-ton U.S. aircraft carrier, with the fire fatally consuming 133 sailors aboard the Forrestal. 

McCain’s Death Bed Secret Just Came Out About Who He Killed After Skeleton Suddenly Resurfaces - Fusion Laced Illusions

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