Saturday, September 2, 2017

Holy Crap!!!!: Comey CLEARED Hillary Of FBI Probe BEFORE Investigating Her..But It Gets Worse - Fusion Laced Illusions

Once again conservatives’ suspicions have been confirmed! Hillary Clinton and James Comey are more crooked than a Twizzler left in the sun for too long in August! It has been an ongoing battle to get something done with the investigation into the lies, cover-ups, and false accusations against President Trump that were all started by Clinton and Comey during the 2016 elections. The fact is, valid proof has come out that Comey did plan to clear Hillary Clinton of any wrong doing PRIOR to the investigation even happening into her many crimes.
There is now evidence being dug up by investigators that prove that the FBI at least partially paid for the FAKE Russian dossier on Trump. The left can’t excuse this away like they often do with every other piece of actual evidence found concerning anything that makes the left look collectively ignorant.
Liberals, do us all a favor and just shut up, tuck your tails, and go away because we will continue to discredit and disprove every ridiculous thing you have ever tried to use against the right. The ignorance of an entire party and the corruption of intelligence agencies is not as surprising as it is reaffirming for all of us on the right side of this fight. Good luck with your next MSM promoted lib-lie. I guarantee we will blow that one out of the water.
According Hannity :

Holy Crap!!!!: Comey CLEARED Hillary Of FBI Probe BEFORE Investigating Her..But It Gets Worse - Fusion Laced Illusions

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