Wednesday, June 14, 2017

White House Has Been Rigged To Take Out Trump At Any Second – Here’s What Was Just Found | Alternative

Barack Obama had some moments to prepare for his replacement before he was poised to leave office and President Donald Trump and his administration moved in. In that time, he did a lot of destruction as he started to organize his “shadow government” in a desperate plea to maintain control that the law does not allow, but now we understand just how low he and his comrades will go to take out the 45th President of the United States simply for not being who they chose.
The left has been hopeless to impeach Trump thinking it’s a viable choice and that they have the grounds to do so. Each attempt has failed and their biggest hope in this action coming to fruition was in FBI Director James Comey’s testimony last week. When it ended in Trump’s favor once again, the despair set in and now they are ready to use there last option they have that’s been rigged in the White House and just revealed by Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich who called the left out on their sickening secret today.

White House Has Been Rigged To Take Out Trump At Any Second – Here’s What Was Just Found | Alternative

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