Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Kaepernick Gets NASTY Surprise By Ravens Fans 24 Hours After Being Signed To Team - Fusion Laced Illusions

Standing for the National Anthem prior to a sports event seems like a rather straight- forward thing whether you are a fan or a player. For Colin Kaepernick, not so much. Last season, while on the 49ers time, he decided to make a political statement and take a knee during the National Anthem. He stated this was his protest against oppression the African American community has suffered at the hands of law enforcement and in other areas of society. Never mind that in cities like Chicago, the black on black violence there has caused President Trump to send in federal authorities. Despite all this oppression, a majority of the NFL players are black, and millionaires. Colin Kaepernick failed to realize that his protest, while on company time, combined with his poor performance on the field, would cause many fans to simply stop watching NFL games, going to games, and buying merchandise. General managers across the NFL saw this and made the smart move to avoid a sub-par player who would bring too much controversy to a team and not enough touchdowns on the field.
In addition to taking a knee during the national anthem and continuing with his anti-white and anti-American statements, Colin Kaepernick, on the July 4th holiday, doubled down and stated the following via twitter, “How can we truly celebrate independence on a day that intentionally robbed our ancestors of theirs? To find my independence I went home.” He made this statement while visiting his “homeland”, Ghana, where he lived prior to being adopted by an upper-middle-class white family from Wisconsin.

Kaepernick Gets NASTY Surprise By Ravens Fans 24 Hours After Being Signed To Team - Fusion Laced Illusions

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