Thursday, August 17, 2017

Melania Trump Just Fulfilled Prophecy Given By Holy Man in 1980’s, This Will Blow You Away - Fusion Laced Illusions

The presidency of Donald J. Trump is like no other that we have seen in modern times. The fact that he was elected is somewhat a miracle, considering the evil globalist enemies that worked so hard to have Hillary Clinton defeat him at all costs. Now, a little-known prophecy has been recovered, which was given by a Christian holy man back in the 1980’s, and it was Melania Trump who just fulfilled part of what this mystic predicted. This will blow your mind.
About seventeen years ago, Father Giacomo Capoverdi shared a story about his travels, where he was directed by his American doctor friend to visit the “House of Loreto,” which has been scientifically proven to be from the first century, Nazareth. It is believed to be the house where the Virgin Mary received the archangel Gabriel’s message that she was with child. Father Capoverdi went into that in some detail, but his main point of his story actually has to do with Donald Trump.
“Father Giacomo Capoverdi shares a fascinating story of his encounter with the Hermit of Loreto (the author of the Pieta Prayer Book), at the site of the Holy House of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Exterior and interior shown in this article’s photo). In this video, Father Capoverdi shares an amazing premonition this Hermit of Loreto had all the way back in the 1980s about Donald J. Trump,” reports Father Heilman.

Melania Trump Just Fulfilled Prophecy Given By Holy Man in 1980’s, This Will Blow You Away - Fusion Laced Illusions

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