Most American neighborhoods are to a greater extent being monitored by cops armed with the weapons and tactics of war. Federal funding in the billions of dollars has granted state and local police departments to gain access to weapons and tactics conceived for overseas combat theaters – and yet very little is known about exactly how many police departments have military weapons and training, how militarized the police have become, and how extensively federal money is incentivizing this trend. It’s time to understand the true scope of the militarization of policing in America and the impact it is having in our neighborhoods. Since March 6th, ACLU affiliates in 25 states filed over 260 public records requests with law enforcement agencies and National Guard offices to determine the extent to which federal funding and support has fueled the militarization of state and local police departments. Stay tuned as this project develops.
Published on Feb 1, 2014
Whenever police officers use deadly force, they rarely face criminal prosecution, and usually claim that they feared for their safety. While a police officer’s job is dangerous, the number of cops killed on duty is at historic lows. Meanwhile, the number of people killed by police officers remains steady. RT’s Ramon Galindo shows us how this trend is devastating families in Southern California.

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