According to a recently published report, a report of mind blowing corruption has hit the internet and I don’t think that this one is gonna go away anytime soon. Read the article, follow the link and see for yourself the deception that will affect you almost certainly!!!!
The Illuminati’s aka; Rothschild Pyramid
February 2014: I feel that this is one of the most important investigations that has ever been done. If the findings are correct, each of us might soon experience a severe, if not crippling blow to our personal finances, the confiscation of any wealth some of us have been able to accumulate over our lifetimes and the end of the financial world as we once knew it.
America’s Hemorrhoid Warren Buffett: His Wealth Stems from Violence, Coercion, Imperialism, Statism, & His Firms Receiving $95 Billion In Bailout Cash From U.S. Tax Payers!
The evidence to support the findings exists in the trail of dead bodies of financial executives across the globe and a missing Wall Street Journal Reporter who was working at the Dow Jones news room at the time of his disappearance.
Kiss Your Savings Including IRAs Good-Bye: ‘Bail Ins R Here’ ~ On July 2, 2013 Dodd Frank ~ Basel III Implemented.
6th. Banker Dead: JPMorgan’s Executive Director Of Global Equities Ryan Crane.
If the bodies were dots on a piece of paper, connecting them results in a sinister picture being drawn that involves global criminal activity in the financial world the likes of which is almost without precedent. It should serve as a warning that we are at the precipice of something so big, it will shake the financial world as we know it to its core. It seems to illustrate the complicity of big banks and governments, the intelligence community, and the media.
Another JP Morgan Banker Falls To His Death: Six Bankers Have Died In A Month.
Published on Feb 18, 2014
Another JP Morgan Banker Falls To His Death: Six Bankers Have Died In A Month.
Although the trail of mysterious and bizarre deaths detailed below begin in late January, 2014, there are others. Not only that, there will be more, according to sources within the financial world. Based on the findings, these are not mere random, tragic cases of suicide, but of the methodical silencing of individuals who had the ability to expose financial fraud at the highest levels, and the complicity of certain governmental agencies and individuals who are engaged in the greatest theft of wealth the world has ever seen.

Read the whole story here

Although the trail of mysterious and bizarre deaths detailed below begin in late January, 2014, there are others. Not only that, there will be more, according to sources within the financial world. Based on the findings, these are not mere random, tragic cases of suicide, but of the methodical silencing of individuals who had the ability to expose financial fraud at the highest levels, and the complicity of certain governmental agencies and individuals who are engaged in the greatest theft of wealth the world has ever seen.
Read the whole story here
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