Thursday, February 1, 2018

Q-Anon: Another Psy-op? #REDPILLMESSIAHS… QAnon, “Tyler” & The Antichrist Spirit… (Videos) | Alternative

Q-Anon: Another Psy-op? #REDPILLMESSIAHS… QAnon, “Tyler” & The Antichrist Spirit… (Videos) | Alternative: Q-Anon is a psy-op similar to Snowdon, rallying some, scaring others, furthering the agenda of externalization of the hierarchy. Remember Q on Star Trek? This is another psyop. Controlled opposition. There are no insider good guys in this muck of deceit and confusion. QAnon is a construct. To what end? A rabbit trail that distracts ultimately. Look at the amount of energy going into the QAnon thing. Truther community has been corrupted.

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