Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Obama Zuckerberg Collusion: Facebook CEO And Obama Are WORKING TOGETHER, Here’s The SICK Thing They’re Doing To Conservatives - Fusion Laced Illusions

Obama and Zuckerberg have been seen together many times in the past few years, and they seem to become closer every day. For those of us who can see the true agenda involved, it isn’t very surprising. Obama knows he can’t succeed with pulling a full deep state move because citizens would swell up and fight back.So, instead he wants to get into the very thing that we use to spread truth-Social Media. He has contacted Zuckerberg many times to discuss the fact that supposedly “fake news” on Facebook is responsible for Trump getting elected in 2016. That is of course when he isn’t pushing the whole Russia collusion thing in our faces.
Facts are important here, Obama! Yes, social media helped Trump get elected, but it wasn’t from fake news. No, it was from true Americans using it the way we are supposed to which is to spread truth and facts. The people rose up and took control and used social media the same way the Left tried to use it to get Hillary elected. Face it people, there is no reason for Trump being elected other than the fact that We The People spoke up and you are upset about it.According to The Hill :

The Obama Zuckerberg Collusion: Facebook CEO And Obama Are WORKING TOGETHER, Here’s The SICK Thing They’re Doing To Conservatives - Fusion Laced Illusions

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