You’ll soon come to see that most of what you ‘know’ about the world is just garbage that you’ve heard and come to accept over the years. The only things you’ve learned that aren’t lies are math and how to speak english, as those things are black and white. There’s no gray area. It’s right or wrong, and the rules are concrete. Everything else, however is up for grabs, and has to be researched and confirmed before you can take it as fact.
Welcome to the real world.
Published on Jan 28, 2014
Earthquake unrest currently on the rise. West Pacific showing excessive activity over the past 7 days.. also, movement showing along the edge of the North American Craton… showing at man made pumping operations.. areas such as Southern Colorado (near the New Mexico border), also North Central Texas, and across the state of Oklahoma.
Even seeing slight movement along the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ). Occurring very close to a URANIUM ENRICHMENT FACILITY! 37.093°N 88.875°W depth=4.3km (2.7mi)…
All central United States earthquakes showing swarm activity are happening at pumping, injection well , fracking operations. See all my past posts on the topic of fracking here:…
Use the earthquake monitoring links here to keep up to date on the current movement happening worldwide:…

Even seeing slight movement along the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ). Occurring very close to a URANIUM ENRICHMENT FACILITY! 37.093°N 88.875°W depth=4.3km (2.7mi)…
All central United States earthquakes showing swarm activity are happening at pumping, injection well , fracking operations. See all my past posts on the topic of fracking here:…
Use the earthquake monitoring links here to keep up to date on the current movement happening worldwide:…
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