Friday, January 31, 2014

Mystery Of The Carpathian Sphinx | Beyond Science

An intresting watch for those of us who are intrested in the real history of our planet.
“In the human unconscious there is an extremely powerful force that acts on an individual keeping him from seeing with clarity the obvious symptoms of his next death. Only in the last moments, are the eyes of the soul opened and man understands his situation and accepts it. The landslide of all the empires and all the human institutions is evident as soon as one studies the past. Why do we believe in a progress without end? Everything dies around us.” Dr. Robert M. Schoch
This original feature documentary features multi- year on site research in the wild Carpathian Mountains by American world -renowned geologist Dr. Robert M. Schoch whose ground-breaking work has appeared on BBC, National Geographic Channel, Discovery and History channel. 
“There is no doubt that this (Bucegi Mountains with the Sphinx site) was a cultural nucleus during the last Ice Age, tens of thousands of years ago.”
          Dr. Robert M. Schoch
Published on Jan 30, 2014
Now presenting fascinating new theories and discoveries about the missing link of human evolution and the soul of man, as we explore the Ancient Mystery of the Carpathian Sphinx and evidence of an intervening leap in human evolution that occurred deep in our ancient past. Featuring Dr. Robert Schoch and filmmaker Oana Ghiocel.

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Nibiru Position 01 29 2014 Gravity Anchoring Time | Watercooler Topics

Wikipedia: Nemesis is a hypothetical hard-to-detect red dwarf star, white dwarf star or brown dwarf, orbiting the Sun at a distance of about 50,000 to 100,000 AU (about 0.8-1.5 light-years), somewhat beyond the Oort cloud. This star was originally postulated to exist as part of a hypothesis to explain a perceived cycle of mass extinctions in the geological record, which seem to occur once every 26 million years or so.
I am personally inclined to believe that our known solar system has a 10th planet (Planet-X; Nibiru; Dwarf-Star) which has a 3600 year orbital cycle. This is the red giant gaseous object that the Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecrafts detected at or around 4.7 billion miles away. The object that was detected around 50 billion miles away was the binary companion of our sun, Nemesis (Dark Twin; Dead star). Wikipedia also calls it a Dwarf-star which gets confusing with the description of the 10thplanet, also referred to as Dwarf-Star. For the purpose of this article we’ll refer the term of Dwarf-Star to the 10thplanet (Nibiru; Planet X; Destroyer star). It is a possibility that the binary companion hovers around the known solar system beyond the orbit of Pluto every so often (probably anywhere from 3600 years to every 26 million years), which we’ll not divulge in to as no credible information is available on that subject. The 10th planet (Nibiru; Planet X) which is in a highly elliptical orbit makes its way around the sun possibly between planet Mars and Jupiter as suggested by the ancient Sumerians every 3600 years. It is this 10thplanet which will be our focus in this article. The first 4 planets from the sun (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) are solid terrestrial planets and are tightly close knit to each other, relatively speaking. The other 4 (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) are gaseous giants and have a much bigger distance between their orbits unlike the first four planets of the sun. The first large distance between the planets is between Mars and Jupiter. Last planet Pluto is a dwarf-planet (not a fully formed planet as scientists suggest), made with rock and ice. Pluto’s orbit is highly inclined relative to the ecliptic (over 17°) and highly eccentric (elliptical). This high eccentricity means a small region of Pluto’s orbit lies nearer the Sun than Neptune’s. This is an unusual orbit comparing to the rest of the known planets. It is very likely that the 10th planet (Planet-X; Nibiru) could cross the ecliptic right in between the first four terrestrial planets and the next four gaseous planets.
Published on Jan 29, 2014

Nibiru Position 01 30 2014 Gravity Anchoring Time

Published on Jan 30, 2014

I want to personally thank muslim american ( name unknown ) for presenting me with source material which I have explicit permission to use and share with you. Without that this article may not have been as informative as I would have liked it to have been.

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NIBIRU III - Return Of The Annunaki | Watercooler Topics

There are a few different types of views on what this 10thplanet is like. Is it an asteroid/comet like body basically solid rock or frozen ice; or possibly it is a planet like object? Terrestrial like earth or gaseous like Jupiter. The third and most popular view is that the 10thplanet has a small constellation of celestial bodies, meaning that the dwarf-star has some moons or large objects that are orbiting it. Planet X is thought to have 9 moons trailing behind it with highly charged red dust particles in its tail. Other known planets of the solar system have moons and sometimes multiple moons orbiting them.
At this point I would like to differentiate between Nibiru (Planet-X) and the Binary Companion of the Sun (Nemesis). Nibiru is the 10th planet (Dwarf-Star; Planet-X), also known as planet of the crossing; crosses the solar system in an elliptical orbit and is gravitationally bound to the sun. Nemesis, as known by the mainstream science, is the star that was detected around 50 billion miles away from us by the Pioneer spacecrafts. This is thought to be a dead star as it lacks the mass to burn its nuclear furnace. At 50 billion miles away it would be well within the Oort cloud, in line with the theory that it’s the dead twin of our sun. Majority of the stars in the universe have a companion star, sometimes more than one companion stars. It would be an exception to the rule if our sun didn’t have one; hence the skeptical scientists have always theorized the scenarios if the sun’s dark twin exists; and if it’ll make its round around the solar system sometime in the future.
I want to personally thank muslim american ( name unknown ) for presenting me with source material which I have explicit permission to use and share with you. Without that this article may not have been as informative as I would have liked it to have been.
Published on Jan 29, 2014
Despite the failed Mayan Calendar prophecies of 2012, there is an unseen infrared planet still inexorably approaching our solar system. Recent astounding Vatican revelations suggest high-level church officials are preparing for the arrival of a highly advanced extraterrestrial race. This may mark the return of the fabled “Annunaki” from “Nibiru,” also referred to as Planet-X.

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Nibiru Found!!!! | Watercooler Topics

Due to lack of information concerning the actual orbit of this dwarf star, we can only assume and assess with the eye witness accounts and little known information on this subject. The most probable location of the approach of this destroyer star (Planet X; Nibiru; Dwarf-Star) is from below the ecliptic; to make it simple, in other words, our South Pole. As it rises up from beneath the solar orbital plane it is theorized that it’ll cause the southern oceans to rise with it creating a huge tidal wave which will travel north and wash up whatever is in its path, along with earthquakes, and other major weather related storms. It will possibly disrupt the rotation of the earth while it’s between the earth and the sun; or maybe the earth will be between the dwarf star and the sun. This is not an event which will take place in one day. Its symptoms are thought to intensify over a short period, maybe a period over some months, (no one knows the exact number of days it’ll be around in the solar system) and until it makes its way back out away from the known solar system. The Russian President certainly thinks its sooner than later; as he told the Pope that the 10th planet is to arrive in 2012 (Euro times article).
Approach of this dwarf star causes all the tectonic plates to shift on earth, volcanoes to erupt, magnetic poles to decline and possibly shift 180 degrees causing major catastrophes in our atmosphere and our oceans and in our weather pattern. The decline of magnetic field around the earth (possibly down to zero) would cause the radiation from the sun and ever increasing solar flares during the solar maximum in 2012 to reach the surface of the unprotected earth along with ultra violet rays to penetrate through the atmosphere, and perish and scorch anything living in its path. There is a definite possibility that the earth would stop spinning around its axis for a short period of time, maybe for around a few days (3 days of darkness in the northern hemisphere is projected), and then would be caused to spin in opposite direction for a few days due to the gravitational imbalances and polar shifts, only to then finally stop and rotate back on its normal course as the destroyer star’s gravitational pull now moves away from our planet; after having disrupted everything we know to be normal in the solar system. Somehow humanity has survived many of these cycles and continues on to the next ages.
Published on Jan 29, 2014
Dr. Kaplan is claiming that he has found Nibiru and telling us the latest coordinates.

In a more recent published report at /alternative/2014/01/nibiru-astronomer-cover-up-found-footage-claim-2885652.html it explains in more detail the origins of the video.

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Snowden Confirms NSA Using "ANGRY BIRDS" & Social Media To Spy On Us All | Alternative

Papers made public by previous NSA contactor Edward Snowden propose that spy agencies have a powerful accomplice in the apps installed on smartphones across the globe.
The documents, published by The New York Times, the Guardian, and ProPublica, suggest that the mapping, gaming, and social networking apps available on smartphones can feed America’s National Security Agency and Britain’s GCHQ spy agency with huge amounts of personal data.
Little is known about the scope and scale of the program, but all three publications outlined how data could be harvested from apps such as the Angry Birds game franchise or Google’s popular mapping service.
Published on Jan 28, 2014

Theater of Absurd: Happy Data Protection Day…oh, and we spy on you!

Published on Jan 28, 2014
The latest leak from Edward Snowden suggests it was Britain’s cyber-spy base GCHQ that showed America’s NSA how to monitor Facebook and Twitter without consent. That’s as Europe marks Data Protection Day – which is supposed to show EU citizens how to keep their online data away from prying eyes. RT’s Polly Boiko looks at how effective that’s likely to be.

Also see

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1/28/2014 -- Plate Movement across the US + New Madrid Uranium Facility | Alternative

You’ll soon come to see that most of what you ‘know’ about the world is just garbage that you’ve heard and come to accept over the years. The only things you’ve learned that aren’t lies are math and how to speak english, as those things are black and white. There’s no gray area. It’s right or wrong, and the rules are concrete. Everything else, however is up for grabs, and has to be researched and confirmed before you can take it as fact.
Welcome to the real world.
Published on Jan 28, 2014
Earthquake unrest currently on the rise. West Pacific showing excessive activity over the past 7 days.. also, movement showing along the edge of the North American Craton… showing at man made pumping operations.. areas such as Southern Colorado (near the New Mexico border), also North Central Texas, and across the state of Oklahoma.

Even seeing slight movement along the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ). Occurring very close to a URANIUM ENRICHMENT FACILITY! 37.093°N 88.875°W depth=4.3km (2.7mi)…

All central United States earthquakes showing swarm activity are happening at pumping, injection well , fracking operations. See all my past posts on the topic of fracking here:…

Use the earthquake monitoring links here to keep up to date on the current movement happening worldwide:…

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Monday, January 27, 2014

Seeds Of Death GMO's Exposed! - Video - A Must See!!!! | Alternative

                         Photo Credit   The Real Facts About GMO’s | GMO’s Exposed!
Though I am not religious myself and do not see the logic in being a religious person, I only believe that religious hierarchy should be removed (The Vatican for example). If we tell people what they are to believe (or not to believe) we become the very people we am trying to remove. As far as the American Government is concerned, I hope one of you has read Brain K Vaughan’s Y: The Last Man. Basically an unknown virus kills all men and there is a mad power scramble for the White House, as the only politicians left are those from less powerful areas of Congress. If one were to remove only the more powerful half of Congress there would be a power struggle, however, the Government would still find a way to restructure and continue to be the force we want to remove. If anything, they would be more powerful than before. To quote SoldierBoy, after a significant “terrorist” attack the government would have the peoples’ backing to do whatever they wanted, whether it is a new more radical foreign policy or something that resembles “Patriot Act 2″.
Every system has a weak link and the American and other World Governments lies in their power to enforce. They can pass whatever harmful bills they want but it is not them who enforce it. Here in lies there weak link. I do not think that Government necessarily need be destroyed only its power. For example, about 56% of Americans in a recent poll favored the legalization of marijuana, but will the Government change its stance? Mayby. But we as the majority have the power to change that. If everyone were seen to be smoking pot in front of the Police or Government officials, they couldn’t lock us all up and to protect their crime statistics I wouldn't be surprised if it were magically legalized soon after. It would be far easy to remove the power of a government than to remove the government first of all. Once they have lost their power the removal would be rather simple (and necessary to an extent so that they don’t come out with their “TRUTH”.
Sabotaging the media would be simple again, but it leaves a difficult decision, destroy its broadcasting network or hijack it. If we controlled this network we could show the people the TRUTH however, it would be rather difficult to keep hold of.
Targeting executives might not be the best idea as you are only cutting the head of a snake. Even with out a Board of Directors corporations can operate perfectly fine. Again, we must look for the weak link. Their weak links would be demand and supply. If no one where to demand their products they would fall, and if they could not supply to meet demand they would fall again. So, as the majority, if we stopped buying unnecessary goods on a whole that would start to minimize the effect of these companies and if you were to take their factors of production they would really feel the effects. The one factor of production that all corporations need? Capital. Whether it is in the form of cash or equipment it is their life blood. Their money is mostly borrowed from or kept in banks, and here in lies their weakest link. Banks. I would ask that if you are not aware of the Northern Rock incident that you read it now. When the financial crisis hit, Northern Rock publicly asked the Bank of England for aid in repaying its loans. When the public heard of this, they all demanded their individual savings of the bank. The bank collapsed when it couldn’t satisfy its customers’ withdrawals. However, what most forget is that if on any given day all the customers of a bank demanded their money, no bank could fulfill that request. So this is my proposal, creating a new banking crisis. This would not be difficult now that the world is so money conscious, and with Social Media such as Twitter rumors can escalate very quickly. Tell the people that their deposits are threatened unless they withdraw now (from every bank) the banks, and the corporations they service, are crippled.
To finish I quote one Henry Ford: “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”.
Published on Dec 13, 2013

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Miracle Escape - Protected By An Angel - Boy Walks Away From Horrific Accident.... | Watercooler Topics

This young boy must have had a Gardian Angel with him. It seems almost impossible he could walk away from that. It all happened so fast, it had to be a miracle!
Published on Jan 27, 2014

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Omen January 2014 | Alternative

In Ollerton, Ollerton is a town in Nottinghamshire, England, on the edge of Sherwood Forest in the area known as the Dukeries. It forms part of the civil parish of Ollerton and Boughton. A man has reported booming sounds and heavy vibrations seemingly directly underneath his house similar to those made by a passing freight train.
The reports come after a survey by the British Geological Survey showed Ollerton experienced more earthquakes than anywhere else in the British Isles last month.
James Lawson (35) said he had been hearing the sounds at his Walesby Lane address. Walesby Lane, New Ollerton, Newark, Nottinghamshire since he moved in 13 years ago.
He added: “At first I thought it may be a neighbour doing DIY but as the years have gone by I realised it was underground.
“After the summer and up until the last month it was reasonably quiet – but you feel it to the pit of your stomach.
“There is almost a metal sound like the clanging of a submarine.”
Figures published by the British Geological Survey show that in the British Isles over the last 50 days there have been 32 earthquakes in Ollerton.
The most powerful, measuring 1.7 on the Richter Scale, occurred on 16th December last year.
Brian Baptie, a seismologist at Edinburgh’s British Geological Survey, amazingly told Chad last month that the quakes experienced in Ollerton of late were relatively small and presented no hazard at all. Really!!!
He added: “This is an area where we have seen a lot of earthquake activity in the past and it has been linked to the Thoresby mine.” FRACKING????
Said James: “It does not wake me up or cause any damage to my house, but I have been in contact with the British Geological survey and have agreed to keep records over the next couple of weeks to see if it relates to their data.
It will be interesting and if it does. Someone should contact them and follow up on this.!!!
Published on Jan 26, 2014
Montage of photographs taken of atmospheric anomalies during January 2014., menacing meteors, wild weather., an engaging start to 2014.

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Sent to UN. Earth in Crisis.!? Antarctica Is Sliding Sideways | Alternative

Hi everyone. I recieved this e-mail last night sometime and as I began to read it my stomach began to wrench. I felt like it was a worthy story to share with the readers. I don’t know what the hell is going on in this world we live in today but what I do know is there is information out there that you and I are not privy to. Thankfuly there are people like Mr. John Berbatis and Alexander Backman. I have copied the e-mail in full and you can see for yourselves the links and all. Take what you want from this. I’m not trying to scarmonger anyone but like the e-mail states “Relaying the harsh reality…”
john berbatis
10:57 PM (5 hours ago)

to me
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2014 04:17:26 -0700
Subject: FWD: Earth in Crisis.

Relaying the harsh reality….

——— Original Message ———

Subject: Earth in Crisis.
From: “john berbatis” <>
Date: 1/11/14 2:53 pm

Earth in Crisis.

 Majia H. Nadesan, communications professor in the area of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences at Arizona State University, an exception to the rule of bought and paid for academicians, a person of honesty, wisdom, no little amount of courage and a holistic understanding of nature.
Her newest book, “Fukushima And The Privatization Of Risk,” is a strong reminder that the Pandora’s Box of nuclear gremlins released into the world during the past two centuries is damaging the genomic integrity of homo sapiens and other species. Though you and I might survive Fukushima’s radiation (or die younger than we should have), future generations of humans and earthy organisms may suffer trans generational mutations that could ultimately lead to extinction. Of course, humanity has already triggered the Earth’s sixth great extinction episode due to habitat destruction, poaching, pollution, war, etc.

 Seismic Intensification..
 The information at the end of your e-mail is especially important about the “humming” noises.
These are caused by shifts in the multi-dimensional electromagnetic pressure pattern on Earth, which gets its ‘directional shift’ from EMF (electromagnetic field)communication between the [Earth] inner core, the sun and other cosmic forces.
Of course, this is not broadcasted by NASA, and so-called local officials play ‘dumb’ as to the ‘source’.
But essentially, it means a lot of dimensional ‘bending’ is occurring, which is the reason why so many planetary forces are going haywire at this time.
Simon CC:

“In both cases, even though the causes of acoustic-gravity waves are of a quite understandable geophysical nature, they are indicative of the expected significant increase in solar activity and the geodynamic activity of our planet. There is no doubt that processes in the core rule the internal energy of our planet, therefore, we should expect by the end of 2012 a sharp rise in strong earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and extreme weather events with peak levels in 2013 – 2014.” Dr. Elchin Khalilov, a geophysicist and a professor in Azerbaijan. Jan 2012
Pole Shift by John White

What will happen during a pole shift.

“The ultimate disaster! Enormous tidal waves will roll across the continents as oceans become displaced from their basins. Hurricane winds of hundreds of miles per hour will scour the planet. Earthquakes greater than any ever measured will change the shape of the continents. Volcanoes will pour out huge lava flows, along with poisonous gases and choking ash. Climates will change instantly, and the geography of the globe will be radically altered. If the pole shift is less than a full 180 degrees, the polar ice caps will melt rapidly, raising sea levels, while new icecaps will begin to build. And large numbers of organisms, including the human race, will be decimated or even become extinct, with signs of their existence hidden under thick layers of sediment and debris or at the bottom of newly established seas…” 
Endgame for Humanity by John Berbatis.
 The initial impact of such an apocalypse would cause 700-900 metre-high tsunamis moving at a rate of 800 to 1000 km per hour towards the coastal regions with a wind velocity of 1200 km per hour, causing firestorms. Existing landmasses would suddenly disappear, while new ones would be abruptly thrown up as well as nuclear reactors and petro-chemical storage facilities being ruptured. Such events would cause massive shock waves and huge electro-magnetic disturbances and may also alter the electro-magnetic polarity of the earth. Human survivors will then suffer from deprivation of potable water, food, shelter, hygiene and sanitation, and witness economic, social plus political breakdown on an unimaginable scale. Those who survived the initial upheaval would wish they had not.
The altered position of the ice-covered regions will then be subjected to a greater concentration of the sun’s radiation, and this, in turn, accelerates the melting of the ice. The result of this is rapid flooding of low-lying regions.
Vast quantities of volcanic debris and gases will envelop the planet after crust displacement, causing global freezing conditions for two to three years, making agriculture impossible. Euthanasia pills will need to be made readily available to people by governments.

Just discovered the info on Jan 15.
Bad news!

To:; (PM, L of O, Greens leader & Minister.)
Subject: Clear & present danger. Scientists find East Antarctica is sliding sideways.
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2014 09:21:10 +0800

Ministers for what’s left of the environment. 

Subject: Scientists find East Antarctica is sliding sideways
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2014 09:02:34 +0800

Scientists find East Antarctica is sliding sideways

December 13, 2013 – ANTARCTICA - It’s official: East Antarctica is pushing West Antarctica around. Now that West Antarctica is losing weight–that is, billions of tons of ice per year–its softer mantle rock is being nudged westward by the harder mantle beneath East Antarctica. The discovery comes from researchers led by The Ohio State University, who have recorded GPS measurements that show West Antarctic bedrock is being pushed sideways at rates up to about twelve millimeters–about half an inch–per year. This movement is important for understanding current ice loss on the continent, and predicting future ice loss. They reported the results on Thursday, Dec. 12 at the American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco. Half an inch doesn’t sound like a lot, but it’s actually quite dramatic compared to other areas of the planet, explained Terry Wilson, professor of earth sciences at Ohio State. Wilson leads POLENET, an international collaboration that has planted GPS and seismic sensors all over the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. She and her team weren’t surprised to detect the horizontal motion. After all, they’ve been using GPS to observe vertical motion on the continent since the 1990′s. They were surprised, she said, to find the bedrock moving towards regions of greatest ice loss. ‘From computer models, we knew that the bedrock should rebound as the weight of ice on top of it goes away,” Wilson said.
“But the rock should spread out from the site where the ice used to be. Instead, we see movement toward places where there was the most ice loss.” The seismic sensors explained why. By timing how fast seismic waves pass through the earth under Antarctica, the researchers were able to determine that the mantle regions beneath east and west are very different. West Antarctica contains warmer, softer rock, and East Antarctica has colder, harder rock. Stephanie Konfal, a research associate with POLENET, pointed out that where the transition is most pronounced, the sideways movement runs perpendicular to the boundary between the two types of mantle. She likened the mantle interface to a pot of honey. “If you imagine that you have warm spots and cold spots in the honey, so that some of it is soft and some is hard”” Konfal said, “and if you press down on the surface of the honey with a spoon, the honey will move away from the spoon, but the movement won’t be uniform.
The hard spots will push into the soft spots. And when you take the spoon away, the soft honey won’t uniformly flow back up to fill the void, because the hard honey is still pushing on it.” Or, put another way, ice compressed West Antarctica’s soft mantle. Some ice has melted away, but the soft mantle isn’t filling back in uniformly, because East Antarctica’s harder mantle is pushing it sideways. The crust is just along for the ride. This finding is significant, Konfal said, because we use these crustal motions to understand ice loss. “We’re witnessing expected movements being reversed, so we know we really need computer models that can take lateral changes in mantle properties into account.” Wilson said that such extreme differences in mantle properties are not seen elsewhere on the planet where glacial rebound is occurring. “We figured Antarctica would be different,” she said. “We just didn’t know how different.” –Space Daily
Rotational Wobble (Chandler’s). The Crust presents the earth with an unbalanced distribution of weight, even a small (10 centimeters) displacement of the crust would cause the earth to wobble more (which ironically could induce more crustal displacement, thus causing more wobble, thus causing more displacement, etc.) Added bulges from the expansion beneath the crust would worsen the imbalance. The diameter at the equator is 43 kilometres more than the rest of the Earth’s surface, due to centrifugal forces.
The result of the Western Antarctic ice sheet dislodging. 
“In a polar region there is a continual deposition of ice, which is not symmetrically distributed about the pole. The earth’s rotation acts on these asymmetrically deposited masses [of ice], and produces centrifugal momentum that is transmitted to the rigid crust of the earth. The constantly increasing centrifugal momentum produced in this way will, when it has reached a certain point, produce a movement of the earth’s crust over the rest of the earth’s body, and this will displace the polar regions toward the equator.”

A foreword by Prof. Albert Einstein in The Earth’s Shifting Crust by Prof. Charles Hapgood.
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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Planet X, Nibiru, Hercobulus - Geomagnetic Destbilisation and Missing Data | Watercooler Topics

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One set of reasons is chosen for its variety of angles that mainstream scientist community now uses to “CLAIM” that they are examining at a particular universal phenomenon from various points of views. In fact this differing approach that scientists introduce to the world about certain universal phenomenon is in reality not differing at all. It limits us only in one type of possibility with different scenarios keeping us confined (within that one possibility out of many). For example, in many theories today we have false unproven hypothesis, half truths along with some true scientific observations. Let’s take the theory of Evolution for example. There are major flaws in observational explanations with many false assertions in the theory of evolution. The fact that the first life germs actually existed to multiply in itself is a billionth of a billionth of a possibility; and in essence being a miracle to begin with. The theory never explains how the first life germs themselves came into existence, which would then be pointing directly to a Creator who created the first life germs from absolutely nothing. Compare this to the monotheistic religions claim that one unique Creator created man, fashioned him and taught him the knowledge of things; pointing exactly opposite to man not being a glorified ape. In the monotheistic religions one is admitting to the fact of not knowing the unknown and bringing in an actor (the unique Creator) which simply completes the missing piece of the puzzle. Monotheistic theory simply suggests that anything created cannot be the Creator; hence the Creator had to always have existed to have started the creation at a unique point in time. Whether one believes it or not, the fact cannot be denied that in the monotheistic claim it leads you somewhere with a closed ended answer. Unlike the theory of evolution which leaves you in the middle hanging on to your own contradiction. The only thing science is attempting to explain is how everything including life was created from SOMETHING and they trace their way back to the big bang. There had to be something to cause the big bang with; that’s what our modern science cannot explain, proving the monotheistic claim to be true that another actor is at play here. Modern science has absolutely no credible knowledge of that which would explain the “something out of nothing”; and yet science will not look at the claim of all monotheistic religions that the Creator created everything from absolutely nothing. (When you bring the unique Creator in the picture then everything falls perfectly in place with all the unexplained in the universe, and then we would have more reason to bring in sources of knowledge never looked upon before in modern science.) I wonder why we spend so much time in our education system explaining flawed theories while giving no significant importance to the ones that make some sense. Not a single dime is spent to research the old texts to gain understanding of the universe at large. This inefficient methodology of scientific research is then taught through the education system in such a way where the only way you can pass the exam is if you memorize that information by heart and then simply give that answer on the exam to be considered a passing grade. The last thing that is used to engrave that outcome of certain scientific research in to the minds of people is that the media and the governments introduce to us a few other folks (so called scientists), who have graduated through the same education system and have even more absurd theories, and of course their research is funded by the public funding; hence now we are sold the idea that the earlier conclusion/explanation is better, and enough spending is enough; so the case is now sold to the education system to utilize this research and “enlighten” humanity. There are other genuine scientists who are totally sidelined and are never satisfied of the mainstream conventional science and continue their path of research. These scientists’ discoveries and research also need to be incorporated in to the educational system.
As stated in the decription, my source states “I didn’t manage toi fit everything in one movie. Second one is being made right now”… And I will update this thread as soon as that becomes available….Thanks!!!!
Published on Jan 26, 2014
I didn’t manage toi fit everything in one movie. Second one is being made right now…

Great and Reliable Channels:
TSN Research:

I want to personally thank muslim american ( name unknown ) for presenting me with source material which I have explicit permission to use and share with you. Without that this article may not have been as informative as I would have liked it to have been.

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The Little Ice Age Begins in 2014 | Weather

According to the world’s top scientists the world hasn’t warmed in 15 years and we are aimed for a new ice age!
Statistics and data suggest we are aimed for a new ice age to rival the 70-year temperature drop that saw frost fairs held on the Thames in the 17th Century.
Based on readings from more than 30,000 measuring stations, the data was issued last week without fanfare by the Met Office and the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit. It corroborates that the rising trend in world temperatures ended in 1997.
Published on Jan 26, 2014
This short Documentary Film Presented By The Cosmos News.

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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Planet X, Nibiru, Hercobulus - Spaceweather, Weather And PoleShift | Watercooler Topics

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Today when we analyze this subject in detail and try to unravel all the knots around this area of study, and attempt to identify one by one the misinformation and disinformation we might end up one step ahead of these mainstream conventional scientists who are only picked by the media and all governments for their current stance on certain theories and understanding of those theories. These scientists are only then allowed to tap in to the public research funding to continue proving the false or incomplete theories which then finally somehow is proven right without the proper evidence. On some disputed universal phenomenon where the evidence is convincing and right when you are about to get a little clearer picture things get very blurry, very fast; especially when it is portrayed with multiple dimensions of possibility, and the mystery now becomes even more mysterious. It is my attempt today to keep our subject matter very simple, but cannot make it any simpler.
A scientist or a group of scientists come up with an interesting tale and take us down ONLY through ONE road from a multi road intersection (with multiple possibilities) and then present to us different possibilities only within that one framework of reference (basically show us all the other roads that now split off of this ONE road that the scientists chose to take from the multiple choices we had initially); which could have been the wrong theory/possibility to have divulged in to begin with. Since not all sources of knowledge were consulted, for example, the Biblical texts written over 1700 years ago, the Greek, the roman and the Babylonian era texts, the Sumerians, the Egyptians, and especially the one text which over billion and a half people claim to be unchanged for the last 1400 years which has stood the test of time brilliantly, unmatched and is keeping up with the current modern technological revolution, the Holy Quran. For example, Quran is the book that talks about all the celestial bodies being in orbits; only a few decades ago scientists have found out that the sun has an orbit as well. Quran details out the process of what takes place in the mother’s womb down to the nitty gritty. It was only in the 20th century that the Canadian doctor found those details using modern advanced equipment, only to find that the details of the process laid out in the Quran actually were more accurate than his own research findings, and helped him fine tune his own research. Quran tells us that the universe is expanding, and today using the modern space technology we have proved that this claim is true. The Quran tells us that moon just reflects light, and the sun has its own light 14 centuries ago. There are over a 1000 verses of the Quran that talk about universal phenomenon which science is only catching up to in today’s world.

 Published on Jan 24, 2014

Great and Reliable Channels:
TSN Research:

Published on Jan 24, 2014

I want to personally thank muslim american ( name unknown ) for presenting me with source material which I have explicit permission to use and share with you. Without that this article may not have been as informative as I would have liked it to have been.

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Be AWARE and be PREPARED, FEAR is not an option. Be safe everyone…

Friday, January 24, 2014

Moon Off Ninety 90 Degrees

Anonymous - Humanity's Time Is Now

False Flag Alert! Sochi Clock Tower Matches Combined Disasters Illuminati Card! | Alternative

“Combined Disasters” — Consecutively, how did this inventor of role-playing games know that, together with planned attacks on 9/11, and infectious diseases, the Illuminati has a innumerable of other planned disasters that, when combined, they will so panic the peoples of the world that they will allow their liberties to be taken away and their freely elected governments to be abolished? What did Jesus predict?
“Men’s hearts failing them for fear.” Luke 21:26 (KJV)
What are the types of planned disasters the Illuminati has planned in combination?
 Wars — World War III will be comprised of three wars:
 Middle East with Iraq attack the likely trigger. Will China come to the aid of Saddam by triggering wars elsewhere?
 Korean Peninsula, as North Korea attacks the South with unconventional weapons and China takes her side, causing a Cuban Missile type crisis
 China invades Taiwan
 Terrorist Attacks in Cities
 Unprecedented earthquakes
 Economic Collapse
 Supernatural scenes from the heavenlies
Bill Cooper sums all this combined threat up very nicely and succinctly. Listen:
“Can you imagine what will happen if Los Angeles is hit with a 9.0 quake, New York City is destroyed by a terrorist-planted atomic bomb, World War III breaks out in the Middle East, the banks and stock markets collapse, Extraterrestrials land on the White House lawn, food disappears from the markets, some people disappear, the Messiah presents himself to the world, and all in a very short period of time? Can you imagine? The world power structure can, and will if necessary, make some or all of these things happen to bring about the New World Order.” ["Behold A Pale Horse"., p. 177-8]
Published on Jan 24, 2014
This card has yet to come into play. Some try to say it already has, there is no way! Until we see a Combined attack and a Very similar Clock Tower Fall , Its Not happened Yet!

Eyes Open for these Winter Olympics Folks!……

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Be AWARE and be PREPARED, FEAR is not an option. Be safe everyone…