An intresting watch for those of us who are intrested in the real history of our planet.
“In the human unconscious there is an extremely powerful force that acts on an individual keeping him from seeing with clarity the obvious symptoms of his next death. Only in the last moments, are the eyes of the soul opened and man understands his situation and accepts it. The landslide of all the empires and all the human institutions is evident as soon as one studies the past. Why do we believe in a progress without end? Everything dies around us.” Dr. Robert M. Schoch
This original feature documentary features multi- year on site research in the wild Carpathian Mountains by American world -renowned geologist Dr. Robert M. Schoch whose ground-breaking work has appeared on BBC, National Geographic Channel, Discovery and History channel.
“There is no doubt that this (Bucegi Mountains with the Sphinx site) was a cultural nucleus during the last Ice Age, tens of thousands of years ago.”
Dr. Robert M. Schoch
Dr. Robert M. Schoch
Published on Jan 30, 2014
Now presenting fascinating new theories and discoveries about the missing link of human evolution and the soul of man, as we explore the Ancient Mystery of the Carpathian Sphinx and evidence of an intervening leap in human evolution that occurred deep in our ancient past. Featuring Dr. Robert Schoch and filmmaker Oana Ghiocel.
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