The Merciful Work Of The Great Anesthetist
“Four angels round my bed, Two at the foot and two at the head. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, Guard the bed that I lie on”
Death is a universal experience. No one can hope to escape. It is only a matter of time till it comes to each one of us and each one of those we love. Yet Death is called the King of Terrors and is the supreme threat of the law to the wrong-doer. What is it that makes a natural process so terrible? Is it the pain of dying? No, for anodynes can deaden that. Most death-beds are peaceful when the time comes, and few souls go out struggling. What, then, is it we fear in death that it should be for us a thing of grief and dread? Firstly, we fear the Unknown.
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffed off this mortal coil?
Secondly, we dread the separation from those we love. These things which make death terrible. How differently should we set out to cross the Threshold were our minds at rest on these two points.
On December 28, 2013 the world lost a wonderful soul. Today, I am still deeply saddened by my loss. My condolences goes out to my loving partner Ms. Lynda M. Rountree as it was her Mother who passed away.
Below are some photographs of the flier that will be distributed at the service to be held at Evergreen Cemetery in Gainesville Florida on Thursday January 2nd at 11:00am. I would ask that if anyone knew Ms. Rountree, family members or otherwise, Please feel free to attend. Thanks so much.

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